About me

 Who is Lazy Fit Lady? 


Who am I (to give you advise on diet and fitness)?  

Well, I am one of you. I am that lady who has been dieting since the age of 15. I am that lady who has tried every possible diet (South Beach diet eating only eggs and bacon, anyone? I even have the book!). I have been on Weight Watchers, paleo, vegan, low carb and all other diets you can imagine. 


I am also that lady who has always felt the pressure to be fit and in shape. I was really hoping this pressure would ease with age, but nope. If possible, it even seems to get heavier as natural beauty of a young person starts to deteriorate and health concerns start to rise 


Even though I have always wanted to be lean and fit, I have also always been - to be honest with you - pretty lazy. I don’t really like to push myself to the limits physically. I will definitely skip the gym if the new season of Emily in Paris is on. I am not the one to commit to a marathon or other kind of torture. In addition to unbothered attitude towards fitness, I also enjoy all things sugary and fatty. I absolutely love chocolate, cakes, candy and other sugar in any given form. Yes, I have eaten baking chocolate and just pure sugar cubes straight out of the box. It was an emergency. 


So what are my and your chances to stay in shape in our world filled with unhealthy food, treats and entertainment 24/7? I’ll tell you. As a lazy person I have always looked for shortcuts and quick wins. I don’t have the patience to commit myself to any hard gym routine or strict diet for months, let alone years. So I have tried all possible fast, easy and effective ways to achieve my goals. Juice cleanses, massive cardio, 75 hard, HIIT - been there, done all that 


But only now, after 20 years of searching, have I stumbled upon some incredible tools, which have made my fit journey insanely easy while losing weight and being pretty toned. It is not a magic pill, but if a few hacks would be packed as a pill, this would be it, so easy and natural it really is.  


So maybe like me, you also have tried all possible diets and done a gazillion cardio without seeing any results. Maybe like me you have been suffering from bloatedness, fatigue and hunger while trying to get fit and lose weight 


Now I have combined all new research and chosen the easiest and the best ways to stay fit by doing the bare minimum and cutting the corners wherever it’s possible.   

Keep reading,  I will tell you everything I have discovered. I guarantee there will not be a single ’eating only green apples for a monthorif you feel depressed, go for a 10k runadvise. Those things don’t last. My hacks do 


Oh yeah, and who I actually am? I am a 44 years young working mother who lives in Scandinavia. I am passionate about food, dancing and traveling. I worked in food industry for years and I learned some of well kept secrets there And I am going to reveal them all here. Stay tuned!